Sarasota After Sundown: Who and Why

So, my name is Serena and I’ve made a blog!

I mean, obviously I’ve made a blog. The question I’m probably going to get a lot is, “Why did you make a blog, Serena?

Well, hypothetical question asker, the answer to that is just one word:


Truly Callie, this is all your fault. I’ve never even considered joining the world of online blogging until you were all “Ever since you moved to Sarasota you never leave the library unless to take pictures, you never talk to anyone but that weird cat lady (don’t listen to her Kait, you’re only a little weird), you never post any pictures you take. You’re basically a hermit, at least make a blog or some s***!”.

Well, miss potty mouth, I have reasons for all of the above.

A. I’m a recent PhD grad student working on making my dissertation in semiotics into a full fledge freaking book, of course I’m in the library all the time.
2. Kait is also always in the library and is one of the only people who gets it, so of course I talk to her.
And lastly… Well, it’s kind of nerve-wracking to post my stuff, y’know?
But you know what? No one calls me a hermit, not even my big sister. You want a blog? You got it!

So what’s gonna be on this blog, Serena?" You may ask.

Honestly? For the first question, I’m not 100% sure? Some photography, I guess. Maybe some interesting history/symbols stuff I find, definitely some complaining about extending my dissertation by like 500%, probably some nonsensical diary posts like this one, definitely some late night adventures.

Which reminds me,” you may say. “Why is the blog called Sarasota after Sundown anyway?

Cause I’m a Northern girl living in freaking Florida, okay. It’s hot when the sun is up. I discovered my own secret, livable world of Sarasota after dark. I call it Sundown.

Anyway, here it is. I’ll be trying to keep it up to date as much as possible. Thanks for reading!



Is Sarasota the Tourist Trap?: aka, Yes But In A Good Way

If you’ve ever been to Sarasota you’ve probably been to the Ringling Museum. If you haven’t been to the Ringling Museum, GO. It’s expensive but totes worth it.  If you haven’t been to Sarasota, what are you waiting for?

So I work at the Ringling, right? I’m one of the assistants in the archives. Basically my job is to receive, clean, and index new artifacts that come through, mainly the paper ones.

Anyway, I was at the Ringling museum last night for Ringling Underground (which is basically a hipster get together the first Thursday of every month but the Summer ones), where they have like live bands and limited access to the grounds, when I heard some college kids (probably art students, let’s be real) saying the Ringling/Sarasota was a tourist trap.

And to that I say YOU ARE WRONG! But also right.

I mean, sure, a lot of old people come to Sarasota for vacation, and sure its got a lot of places meant for… well, for tourists. BUT IT’S SO MUCH MORE!

Just look at the history here, not even the circus stuff! I mean, I found some works in the archives (best place in the word, btw) that talk about the original Spanish settlers and the origins of the town. It was all about the conquistadors and how they treated the natives (spoiler alert: not good), and in one a settler mentioned some stuff about this piece of text the conquistadors (mainly the Ponce de Leon) were looking for that apparently had directions to the Fountain of Youth. IN SARASOTA. Why were the Spanish so obsessed with the Fountain of Youth anyway?

Oh also, fun fact time! Did you know Sarasota was originally called Zarasota, which means “Radiance of Sota”, named by (you guessed it) a Spanish conquistador named Hernado de Soto. Not cocky at all.

Honestly, Florida and Sarasota is kinda weird, which is part of the reason I moved here. Something about the place was calling me.

All of these old works, old buildings, old paintings, old statues, old books kept in temperature controlled rooms, these are what the conquistadors were looking for! It’s us, its our history, its their immortality! One day someone’s going to look at some creepy baby statues and are going to be seeing us, or at least what’s left of us. Our art, our journals, our lives.

And if that’s not cool to you then idk what to tell you.

If you want, follow for more rants!



Some Cool Stuff From Work

So, I work at the archives, right? Dream job, btw.

Anyway, I was going through and scanning some works and these journal pages came up that are super interesting. At least to me.

Here are the scans I did! Basically it sounds like its from some sort of art collector who got a new piece. We don’t know yet the who/when/where but my boss is guessing its from the 20s-30s and its written by someone who worked at the Ringling. Though that’s only a guess. Why it’s so beat up when its only a 100 years old?

But to me the cool part is where the pages cut off. It starts to talk about a set of numbers hidden in the painting! And how they were starting to decipher it! Unfortunately, the pages have a lot of damage after that but GOSH. This is something out of National Treasure (fave movie!). Like, I want to find that painting now, and the rest of this journal. Just imagine!!!

Anywayyyyyyy, I found it cool.




Okay so I’ve got the basics of my dissertation expansion mapped out I think, or at least an idea of where I’m going with the research.

For those who don’t know, the moral focus is on how art and iconography connections with the development of cities, with specific references to Sarasota. I’m planning on expanding it out to be specifically about Sarasota.

I mean for example, the image of the Florentine David is somehow the iconic icon of a Floridian town named by conquistadors and brought to power by an art-loving circus family? Just the basics is fascinating. I love the idea of tracking Sarasota’s influence on the art and the arts influence on Sarasota, particularly with a focus on it’s beginnings.

So here I go! On to research and then to publishing (hopefully)! I’m a weird mix of scared/excited. How would you even say that? Ex-ared? Sca-ited? There’s gotta be a word for that.

Anyway, follow and join me on this journey. TO THE LIBRARY!



Writing Update: Or, the story of how publishing sneak attacked me

Okay, maybe I spoke too soon?

I’m more scared for this publishing now than excited. It’s just… big. Bigger than I expected?

I mean, all of history is, I guess. But it’s just… there are so. many. statues. IN SARASOTA. AND I’M NOT EVEN AN ART HISTORIAN SO WHY DID I CHOSE AN ART TOPIC?

I just need a starting place, y’know? Something to bounce off besides STATUES AND OTHER ART STUFF.

Found something though, this scrap of a journal just hidden between some pages of a old book about home remedies, of all things. It’s super busted up, but the few words I can pick out are pretty interesting. Might be a lead? Or not?

Ugh. Okay. Back to the manuscripts. I forgot my allergy meds too. The dust is KILLING ME.


sorry for the lack of posts, ive been feeling off lately. hard to explain.


im losing my mind