The Conduit Conspiracy

Talk of a mysterious man vanishing into the night with students get the attention of local blogger Brian Monty. The recounts of this phenomenon seem impossible, but so does everything about this place. - CB

Brian’s Open Dialogue
Hey guys, Brian here. Welcome to my first open dialogue for Monty Blogs. I want this to be a chance for all of you to ask me any questions and make suggestions for my next post.

Hey man, I love your blogs. Keep up the good work. I don’t really have any ideas for your next post, but can you not do any more pieces on that flasher? Not that it was bad or anything, but it makes me uncomfortable to walk around campus at night.
Thanks for your support. I actually haven’t heard any news about the flasher for over a week now, so you’ve got nothing to worry about. Hey but now you know, right?

I like it when you shave. Do a story about rabid squirrels.

Freak. Get off the chat idiot.

Why do you even try bro? You’re just a hack riding off other people's success. The day you write something good is the day I jump off the roof.

I’ve got a story. Sometimes at night, I see this guy standing in the middle of the street looking at the school. I’ve talked to some people and they say they’ve see some weird stuff happen around him. The security guys don’t believe us.
Ok. When did you see him?

We should meet up in the Res Hall tomorrow. I’ve got some free time at noon. I’ll tell you everything I know.

Brian’s Personal Blog
Finally a real story. No more clickbait bullshit like “the Flasher flashes again,” or “Rabid Squirrel Attacks Little Girls.” A good mystery should be great buzz for my blog. Alicen is going to help me out with this one. She sounds convinced this man is really watching her. Today I’m going to ask around the dorms while she asks people at the library about this guy. I don’t know how much I’ll get out of this, but at least it’ll stand out from the rest of the stuff I’ve done. Maybe people will finally stop lumping me with Ed.

Text Messages Recovered From Alicen’s Phone:

Did you find anything?

Not much. A few people said they saw him but I don’t know if they’re making it up or not.

Why do you say that?

I talked to Austin from 106. He said he saw a flash of light in the plaza at 3 in the morning but his roommate said he didn’t see anything.  I don’t really know if one of them is telling the truth or if they’re just messing with me.

I think I saw a flash of light when I saw him. I think it was the moment he saw me staring at him. Do you think we could have imagined it?

You’ll have to keep asking other people. I got nothing.

I thought you had experience with mystery stuff.

Relax. I know a guy.

Brian’s Personal Blog
Even when I have a solid story, I have to go ask Ed for help. I should have gone to him from the start. He was on board the second I said vanishing man. Right off the bat, he told me the flash of light always happens at 3 in the morning in the same place. I went there by myself just to check it out. I saw Austin’s roommate standing there. Before I said anything, he vanished. All the streetlamps started flashing but I swear I saw someone next to him just before he disappeared.

Brian’s Open Dialogue
Reports of a figure appearing at night are circulating across campus. This is no ordinary man; whatever he does causes lights to flicker and others to vanish with him. Have a thought? Leave a comment and help get this dialogue started.

Does Adderall cause you to hallucinate too?

Is this a prank?

Did Ed tell you that? This sounds like that story he did about mind control fruit flies. I know he’s your friend and everything but can you at least

Text Messages Recovered from Brian’s Phone:

Ed! Are you awake?

It’s Brian Ed. I’m not with the NSA. Pick up your phone before I post your phone sex story.

Could you not use that name? Just call me D or something.

Listen to me. I found the guy. He showed up in my open dialogue a few minutes ago and made my screen go black. It’s like my computer got possessed or something.

Really? What was his name? Did he say where he was from? Is it CIA? EBI? NSA? Robots? Martians?

I don’t think we should talk about it like this. My computer shut down all by itself after he said we’ll be in touch. I’m coming over now.

Take a picture for me.

Brian’s Personal Blog:
I never thought I’d live to see the day Ed didn’t have a theory. He is just as lost about the Conduit as I am. I’m more scared now than I was last night. I wish he could tell me it was Martians or something. Now I feel like someone is watching me too. I see a man in the distance just standing there and watching me. I can’t tell if it’s the same guy or not. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. I wish I could talk to Alicen, but no one knows where she went.  Both her and her roommate were gone when I checked their room. Same with Austin and his roommate. All their stuff’s gone too. I filed a report with the security office. I even went to the headmaster’s office. No one even looked at me. Why doesn’t anyone care what’s happening?

Text Messages Recovered From Brian’s Phone:

Have you been to the library yet?

I’m there now.

Did you look it up?

Nothing about it specifically. I found something about Alicen though. She got an email from someone the day she disappeared. There wasn’t a return address, but it looked like he sent her some Spanish word.

Can you find a translation?

I’ll get back to you on that.

Brian what did you find?

What the fuck is going on? Is your name even Alicen? You pulled me into some kind of weird voodoo stuff and now something’s talking to me!

He contacted you? Good give me the email and I’ll take care of it for you.

He just called himself OPERATOR. Look if you want answers then start giving me some. What’s this all about?

Those people you interviewed have been hacking computers trying to get people to believe in it. I knew it was someone from this school, but I had to draw them out. They must have realized I was on to them and ran. Probably went to another school..

You used me?

Don’t get the wrong idea. These people are dangerous. They don’t care what happens to anyone as long as they can observe them from a distance. They would have gotten to you too. The only way you can survive it is to avoid all contact. Once it finds you, it’s already won.

But this thing is real! It spoke to me! Something about a Conduit and transactions between it and someone else. Are you telling me the rest of it isn’t a lie?

Just leave it alone Brian. You already have your story. The best thing you can do right now is tell everyone about what those guys were doing. All that Conduit shit is just a smokescreen to get people to look for the real thing. With any luck, the news will spread and they won’t be able to do the same thing somewhere else.

You’re not going to tell me about this group you’re a part of? There’s more of you. After you got that email yesterday, you left campus too. Who are you working with?

Where did you hear that?

My sources.

That friend of yours?

You have your secrets I have mine.

All right that’s fair.

I could tell you what I know if you give me the scoop about your group.

What’s to tell? We’re not the ones indoctrinating people.

You aren’t doing a very good job at explaining. How does that even convince anyone to stop looking for answers?


Fine. Have it your way. The truth always comes out.

Brian’s Open Dialogue:
Hello everyone. Brian here. If you saw my last blog, you know that we’ve figured out what was happening with the disappearing man. Turns out it was the hallucinations of Austin and Jacob. Turns out Adderall can’t function the same way as water three times a day. Who knew? That’s probably why they were hacking student’s computers in order to see if we’d start popping pills ourselves. You may realize that’s the reason they had to leave in the first place. So any thoughts? Let's get the news out to everyone.

I knew it.

Still waiting for a decent blog post.

That’s a relief. I can finally go out with my friends tonight.

Is it Austin and Matthew? They used to live in my building. Is that why they’re gone?

Yes. Questions.
Looks like they’re in the chat. Can we get a million dislikes over here?

Fuck you guys.

You guys are sick. Do you know how many people were too scared to go outside this week? It’s not even funny.

Secret Dombrowski 21:
Cult confirmed. NSA too from the way they hacked our computers.If anyone’s interested in virus protection programs, send a few messages my way. We can bond on our mutual disdain for hackers.
Okay guys. Let’s wrap it up. Send me your requests for a new story and I’ll announce which one I’ll go with for my next blog post. If anyone can give me solid proof that the cafeteria food is poisoned, I’ll give that person two lifetime passes to Disney World. Thanks for all your support and good night.