Okay so I’ve got the basics of my dissertation expansion mapped out I think, or at least an idea of where I’m going with the research.

For those who don’t know, the moral focus is on how art and iconography connections with the development of cities, with specific references to Sarasota. I’m planning on expanding it out to be specifically about Sarasota.

I mean for example, the image of the Florentine David is somehow the iconic icon of a Floridian town named by conquistadors and brought to power by an art-loving circus family? Just the basics is fascinating. I love the idea of tracking Sarasota’s influence on the art and the arts influence on Sarasota, particularly with a focus on it’s beginnings.

So here I go! On to research and then to publishing (hopefully)! I’m a weird mix of scared/excited. How would you even say that? Ex-ared? Sca-ited? There’s gotta be a word for that.

Anyway, follow and join me on this journey. TO THE LIBRARY!




WitchyKait said...

giddy maybe??? either way, congrats!

Callie said...

Proud of you.

Callie said...

Also, try the word frisson.

Serena said...

@Callie PERFECTTT!!!!!

Kayyyy said...

That david tho 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆