Twitter Update #3: Weird texts

Holy shit. What is this?

What the hell are they talking about? @Ashley sent this in. She said that there was a crazy report for Donovan but a body wasn’t recovered. Most of the evidence apparently couldn’t be tied to anything so he is still an open case. Right now his cause of death is that he just fed himself to an alligator. No one would just do that, there has to be a reason behind it. These messages were apart of said evidence but according to her father it was dismissed as a cruel prank.

It probably wasn't easy to get this. Thank you.


Ashley said...

My dad and I are happy to do anything to help. We hope you find your sister, Callie.

JennaBoBenna said...

wtf. WTF.

Conspiracydude23 said...

That is some post abduction behavior if I’ve ever seen it. I don’t mean to be ‘that’ guy, but is there any chance that Sarasota is a hot spot for UFO’s?

Ashley said...

@ConspiracyDude23 go jerk off to ancient aliens somewhere else.

Conspiracydude23 said...

@Ashley It would explain all of the weird disappearances going on! And why bodies aren’t being found. Don’t dismiss it just because you can’t wrap your brain around it.

Emrys said...

@ConspiracyDude23 That is so hilariously absurd! You tell such wonderful jokes! I have something that may help! This Verity girl had a tumblr! Happy Hunting!

Sammy said...

….he fed himself to the alligator? #mood

WitchyKait said...

those poor kids had to witness something so terrible…

Ashley said...

@anon watch it.